Abstract Summary
By 2050, the European Union aims to be fully circular. The construction industry is one of the most polluting industries. One of the strategies to reduce the amount of primary materials is by reusing materials. In public space this trickles down to reusing by urban mining. The Municipality of Amsterdam is as the owner of a severe and diverse set of public assets, interested in increasing the amount of reuse in their public infrastructural projects. To make this happen the municipality was eager to create a business model that facilitates reuse. To our knowledge, no public sector circular business model canvas existed yet in academia. Therefore we tried to establish a circular business model for the reuse of public infrastructural assets. We did this in a co creation process with employees of the municipality, providing a set of workshops to create the building blocks in the circular business model. As a starting point we used the business model canvas of Jonker & Faber (2020). This co creation process has led to adapted building blocks for the purpose of establishing a circular business model for the municipality for reuse of public assets. In this workshop, we would like to explore one of the adapted building blocks ‘Value Created’ from the stakeholder perspective ‘BOB’: bewoner – ondernemer – bezoeker of the municipality of Amsterdam. We invite conference participants to this workshop, as they are either a visitor, entrepreneur or citizen of the municipality. We would to explore what value BOB values and why. We will bring printed templates (A3) with the value dimensions that we derived from our research at the municipality of Amsterdam. We will shortly explain the value dimensions found, introduce BOB and explain how to weigh the different dimensions. We will ask the workshop participants to weigh all value dimensions individually on the template, and to explain their weighing on the template – why do they value as they value. Finally, we will gather the results via a Mentimeter and have a plenary discussion on why these values are deemed important. We will use a PowerPoint presentation; Mentimeter; a hand out with value descriptions and ‘how to weigh’; and a A3 template with the value dimensions. The purpose of this workshop is to gather more insight in what a visitor, entrepreneur or citizen values and why. This can aid argumentation to invest in reuse, repair and refurbishment for municipalities, since the municipality operates to serve the interests and needs of the governed community. Pencils and erasers are needed to fill in the canvas, which we can bring ourselves. There is no level of experience or prerequisite knowledge required.