MADE Transdisciplinary Education Program

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Abstract Summary
The MSc Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering started in 2017 as part of the AMS Institute covering the Education pillar. MADE is an joint-degree between Wageningen Univesity and Research (WUR) and Delft University of Technology (TUD). The program is based on an inter- and transdisciplinary approach. Students have at least a Metropolitan and/or Engineering background and apply these in exciting education forms in the MSc program. The program has a steady enrollment of 50-60 students per year, with various backgrounds and coming from a large number of countries. The abstract or paper will discuss the construction of the program, adaptations made and upcoming challenges. Specific parts of the program such as Metropolitan Challenges, the Data course line , the Metropolitan Solutions, the Living Lab and Entrepreneurial Thinking will be outlined in more detail. (first draft text as placeholder as requested by Rajaa)
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