Homeland - Vollaers Workshop
Apr 24, 2024 15:30 - 17:00(Europe/Amsterdam)
20240424T1530 20240424T1700 Europe/Amsterdam Urban frictions workshop: Navigating controversies in collective futures Homeland - Vollaers Reinventing the City events@ams-institute.org
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Urban frictions workshop: Navigating controversies in collective futuresView Abstract
WorkshopTransdisciplinary research 03:30 PM - 11:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2024/04/24 13:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/24 21:00:00 UTC
Workshop proposal: From the application of smart technologies by municipalities to community-led initiatives for sustainable practices, conflicting perspectives on a 'good life' in the city emerge. This workshop session posits that frictions and controversies are essential democratic prerequisites for civic engagement and participation in collectively shaping urban futures. We invite participants to engage with a ‘controversing game’, Future Frictions, to collectively explore urban futures around three main themes namely (1) urban food systems, (2) circularity, and (3) smart data. This ‘controversing game’ combines scenario-based and speculative techniques to bring urban frictions and potential future controversies to the fore and thus make them debatable. The workshop will stage the game using design-oriented methods to support the sharing of diverse perspectives and values around important topics in the context of urban transformations, which may be experienced differently by different individuals and communities. By positioning the debates in a future frictional space, the game enables participants to formulate important aspects that need to be considered in present decision-making processes, which may remain hidden or not entirely explored when using deliberative or consensus-oriented participatory approaches. Moreover, the staging methodology as well as the visuals employed in the game are aimed at making these futures relatable and recognisable in everyday urban contexts to stimulate affective engagement with controversies. Through this workshop activity, participants will become acquainted with design-oriented methods and techniques to collectively explore the role of controversies in collectively shaping urban futures. This workshop targets urban planners, designers, community leaders, policymakers, and individuals intrigued by the interplay of civic engagement, design, and urban transformation. With no specific prerequisites, participants at all experience levels are welcome to immerse themselves in this half-day interactive session.
Corelia Baibarac-Duignan
Workshop Organiser & Facilitator , University Of Twente
Julieta Matos Castano
University Of Twente
University Of Twente
Workshop organiser & facilitator
University Of Twente
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