20240423T133020240423T1500Europe/AmsterdamA science based tool for the Climate City Contract - LIVE DEMO!Mediamatic - Panorama StudioReinventing the Cityevents@ams-institute.org
SPECIAL SESSION A science based tool for the Climate City ContractView Abstract Special SessionClimate adaptation01:30 PM - 03:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2024/04/23 11:30:00 UTC - 2024/04/23 13:00:00 UTC
The Mission Cities launched by the European Commission have selected 1 00 cities in the EU (plus others in associated countries) for delivering tangible results in terms of climate neutrality for 2030. 2030. TThese cities hese cities will will act as experimentation and innovation hubs to enable all act as experimentation and innovation hubs to enable all 1000 1000 European European cities to follow suit by 2050cities to follow suit by 2050.. Each city has to elaborate its Each city has to elaborate its Climate City Contract (CCC)Climate City Contract (CCC), which is , which is a governance innovation tool a governance innovation tool to help cities to help cities put in put in plain terms their plans and plain terms their plans and collaboratively address their barriers to reaching collaboratively address their barriers to reaching climate neutrality by 2030climate neutrality by 2030. The CCC is composed of . The CCC is composed of 3 parts: a Commitments 3 parts: a Commitments documentdocument, an Action , an Action Plan, and an Investment Plan. Plan, and an Investment Plan. The production of the CCCThe production of the CCC is is a rather a rather complicatedcomplicated tasktask, with , with political, technical and economic components that political, technical and economic components that comprehend all factors and variables in the comprehend all factors and variables in the citycity. The CCC is a comprehensive approach that. The CCC is a comprehensive approach that has to look to both a departure point (has to look to both a departure point (the the baseline situation), and the target (the baseline situation), and the target (the conditions in 2030) for a myriad of activities ranging from conditions in 2030) for a myriad of activities ranging from energy to transport, and from energy to transport, and from green areas to waste treatmentgreen areas to waste treatment, and then support its , and then support its implementationimplementation, involving the many , involving the many stakeholders of the city.stakeholders of the city. For this reason, the city of Turin For this reason, the city of Turin andand the Politecnico of Torino (with financial support provided the Politecnico of Torino (with financial support provided by the foundation Compagnia di San Paolo) by the foundation Compagnia di San Paolo) have developed have developed thethe software platformsoftware platform CLICCCLICC incorporating: incorporating: i) i) an interface enabling the end users to an interface enabling the end users to produce produce and communicate and communicate the CCC in an the CCC in an interactive way, with facilities for managinginteractive way, with facilities for managing the the input and output ofinput and output of data,data, the the analytic process,analytic process, mapsmaps and graphical elementsand graphical elements,