Abstract Summary
The authors of the paper discuss the challenges faced by cities in monitoring and evaluating sustainable development. With the increasing availability of data, cities are faced with the challenge of keeping track of a large volume of metrics and indicators. The use of "Ideals" can help unite actors in pursuing important goals and provide a shared interpretation of concepts used. However, the lack of a bigger strategy behind the collection of existing monitoring frameworks in the city of and the absence of compatibility between different datasets and indicators can result in siloed ways of working. The authors suggest the use of Ideals to bridge disciplines and achieve more holistic insights through the use of indicator-based monitoring systems. Therefore, the development of a domain ontology is proposed to integrate existing urban datasets and monitoring systems with the values or ideals a city promotes. The paper utilizes the city of Amsterdam as a case-study for this approach, but eventually puts forward an open-source model that can be used by other cities.