Abstract Summary
Background Citizen initiatives are increasingly recognized as important players in strengthening the healthy living environment. They reach and involve residents who are often hard to reach by mainstream institutions and municipalities and create a community in which residents actively contribute. What makes them special is that they are rooted in the neighborhood, they are easily accessible, they work in an integral manner and thereby connect to the needs of (vulnerable) residents. A beautiful example of such an initiative is the Broederij, located in the city district Lindenholt in Nijmegen. It is a creative and natural meeting place for all where creativity, play and nature experience are central. In 2021, the Broederij initiated the ‘’Tuinbrigade’’ project, which aims to green and beautify the neighborhood and to strengthen the social connectedness in the neighborhood. A group of volunteers from the neighborhood restore neglected gardens, thereby working together on a liveable environment. The “Tuinbrigade” is an intersectoral collaboration between a citizen initiative, housing associations, the municipality of Nijmegen, community work and healthcare. Objective With this Living Lab, we aimed to get insight into the experiences within the collaboration, to clarify a good division of roles between informal and formal partners and to learn how this collaboration can be sustained so that everyone can profit from a health-promoting green and social living environment. From these lessons, we aimed to develop a sustainable model for collaboration. Methods Firstly, semi-structured interviews (n = 10) were performed with the involved partners from the ‘’Tuinbrigade’’. Secondly, interactive sessions (n = 3) were organized to share insights and learn from each other. Lastly, field observations were made during workdays (n = 2) with the volunteers. Results A sustainable model for collaboration was developed, distinguishing the description of a breeding ground for collaboration, six enabling factors for collaboration: 1) Doing, 2) The power of the collective, 3) The spark: energy and enthusiasm, 4) Opportunities but also challenges, 5) Key role for a citizen initiative as breeding ground , 6) Connection in and with the neighborhood, and the description of the impact of the collaboration. In this conference presentation, the research context and results of the Living Lab Lindenholt project will be shared. Lessons learned in this local context of Nijmegen could inform and inspire others who work on healthy living environments, community building, citizen initiatives and intersectoral partnerships.