Testing and debating a Tradable Mobility Credit Scheme

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Abstract Summary
Special Session: Session: 2-3 hrs Attendants: Aimed 100+ WIthin the DIT4TraM project in which AMS, TU Delft and the City of Amsterdam are core partners, a Tradable Mobility Credit Scheme will be tested, through a serious game. As a project team we want to do that with citizens of Amsterdam and other stakeholders and would like to link it with the AMS Scientific Conference. The city of Amsterdam has its fair share of mobility challenges. For years, the city has worked on innovative solutions to maintain accessibility while improving liveability, equity and safety. However, most solutions for now have been proposed on the supply side letting users travel with very little coordination and incentives for sharing (using more mass transportation systems) or spreading (reducing travelling during peak hours and improving mode shares). In the Amsterdam Pilot for DIT4TraM, a large group of residents of Amsterdam will use the peer-to-peer platform (serious game) allowing us to study their live reactions to an arbitration system designed to make them change their travel behaviour to improve the overall system performance and reduce societal and environmental costs. During a live event we test the serious game that has been developed for the project and see how people respond. What kind of choices do they make when options to travel by car for example are limited. Do they trade the mobility credits with each other? Next to playing the game we will also host a debate to discuss the ethical aspects of such a system. Do we want to differentiate on the possibilities to travel by different modes? Do we allow certain groups of people to have more credits? The actual behaviour and debate will give valuable insights for the project and its researchers
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