Urban Comfort Research: new pathways to advance metropolitan science and engineering

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Abstract Summary
This paper provides an overview of urban research on noise, glare, heat, and air quality, coverinboth individual domains and combined analyses. It is aimed at scholars in the field of built environment research, as well as urban designers and policy makers in metropolitan areas. Metropolitan issues are often multifaceted; for example, the urban heat island effect can be exacerbated by traffic noise, glare from glass walls, and the cumulative effects of waste heat and air pollution. Therefore, adopting a holistic approach is recommended to achieve dual benefits with minimal effort, enhancing overall comfort optimally. However, in-depth knowledge and expertise in each specific domain are required, which can create barriers for researchers with limited background in these areas. Consequently, this paper aims to provide a concise guideline for metropolitan researchers delving into urban comfort research. Due to time constraints, the sections on results, discussion, and conclusion remain incomplete in this draft version. The authors reserve the right to modify, add, or retract content in future versions of this manuscript.
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TU Delft // AMS Institute
TU Delft // AMS Institute
TU Delft // AMS Institute
Urban Comfort Lab - AMS Institute - TU Delft
TU Delft // AMS Institute
AMS Institute

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