Abstract Summary
Introduction: As cities expand and land becomes built over, more rainwater will run off rather than infiltrate or evapo(trans)pirate, increasing the likelihood of rain induced flooding. Climate change further exacerbates the frequency and intensity of rain events and hence the frequency and severity of rain induced flooding in urban areas. Adaptive planning is essential to address urban flooding and ensure that urban areas are well adapted to climate change, involving cooperation between diverse stakeholders: municipality, citizens, water boards, housing corporations, and urban planners in the Netherlands. Serious gaming has been shown to be an effective tool to help stakeholders cooperate. Workshop Purpose: The primary objective of the "The Urban dRain game" workshop is to facilitate the collaborative development of climate resilient solutions for a Dutch neighbourhood. Participants will engage in a serious game that challenges them to combine a variety of solutions for drainage of rainwater – from nature based solutions, such as green roofs, permeable pavements, rain barrels, with grey infrastructure measures like sewer upgrades. The goal of the game is to find a combination that is not only cost effective but also enhances the liveability in the neighbourhood and mitigates the risk of urban flooding. (For further details, see attached PDF)