A GIS-based Assessment Methodology for Improving Walkability in the Urban Environment: The Case Study of the Ponticelli District of Naples, Italy

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Abstract Summary
This study proposes a novel methodology that integrates indirect audit with GIS-based tools to provide a comprehensive and efficient assessment of walkability at the neighborhood level. Walkability is a central element of scientific discourse, recognized as pivotal in creating livable, sustainable, and economically vibrant cities. It promotes physical activity, social interaction, access to amenities, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and attracts businesses. However, existing walkability assessment methods have limitations. Macro-level assessments lack fine-grained detail, while micro-level assessments are costly and time-consuming. Our approach defines walkability as both the degree to which a neighborhood's open space encourages and supports walking as the primary mode of mobility and the presence of destinations that meet daily needs within walking distance. Our methodology comprises three key components: (1) assessing the number and variety of opportunities reachable by walking, (2) determining the distance to these opportunities, and (3) evaluating the open space system's suitability based on safety, comfort, attractiveness, and pleasantness. The result is a gravitational accessibility measure, enhanced by a composite index that highlights deficiencies in the open space system and guides interventions. We apply the methodology to the Ponticelli district in Naples (Italy), showcasing its effectiveness and transformative potential. The results effectively identify areas with varying levels of walkability, offering valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners to prioritize areas for targeted interventions. We also validate the methodology through a collaborative survey of portions of the system of open spaces. The results show a strong correlation with the composite index, providing further evidence of the methodology's reliability. This research underscores the collaborative nature of urban development in creating innovative solutions. We believe that our findings align with the conference's emphasis on scientific and societal insights, contributing to improving urban environments and addressing challenges in mobility, thereby enhancing the overall livability, sustainability, and economic stability of cities. Keywords: Liveability, Sustainable Mobility, Walkability, GIS-based tools, Gravitational Accessibility, Urban Open Space
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Università Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II
Research Associate
University of Naples "Federico II"
Research Fellow
University of Naples "Federico II"

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