Abstract Summary
Due to the length and complexity of food supply chains, a transition to more sustainable consumption patterns in a metropolitan region can have important effects on other sectors, regions, and countries. In particular, changes in public policies and consumption patterns at the local level are crucial to ensure the sustainable transition of food systems. MR-GlobalFood is an innovative modelling tool for investigating the effects of changing food consumption patterns within a metropolitan region across all sectors and regions of the world. The model combines a representation of the main material and income flows between different sectors and countries with a finer level of detail for the metropolitan region and the food sector. The model can be used to identify potential synergies and trade-offs between environmental and socioeconomic goals for different types of foods products (e.g. meat, fish, cereals and dairy). The results produced can contribute to the identification of sustainable government models at the local level, including environmental and socioeconomic effects across global food supply chains.